Welcome. We’re looking for full-time doctors and locums to join our award-winning family practice and live with us in the awe-inspiring beauty of Gabriola Island. We’re a caring, inclusive place, and we’re told we make great neighbours. Are you the doctor we’re looking for? We’d love to talk.
Nancy Rowan, Chair, Recruitment Committee, Gabriola Health Care Foundation
Jobs Available

‘Over the moon excited’: Doctors of BC optimistic over number of physicians signing up for new payment model

Come Play on Gabriola
Take a winding trail through dense forest, find yourself in a sea of wildflowers, breathe in the ocean air, discover the beauty of a sunset paddle, and dance under the stars. The island is a natural playground for the whole family. We have 170+km of trails, parks, fishing and kayaking, recreational sports clubs, a fitness centre, golf course and skate park. See more @ gabriolarecreation.org.
The Island of Creative Expression
With one of the highest number of artists per capita in Canada and many art-centred events, Gabriola has earned its moniker, Isle of the Arts.
Whether you’re the creator, admirer, or participant, enjoy the island’s rich cultural landscape year-round. Art, music & theatre festivals are only the beginning of what’s in store for you and your family. See more @ https://artsgabriola.ca
The Gabriola Health Care Foundation has been very successful at finding suitable accommodation for new doctors. Short-term rental subsidies are available. For further information contact the Community Navigator. Contact information is below. www.rew.ca/properties/areas/gabriola-island-bc
It’s Always Happening on Gabriola
We have a magnificent community hall and many social groups: amateur theatre, dog walking, music jamming, walking, folk dancing, and many more. We also socialize in our pubs and churches. Our most famous community resource is the Gabriola Commons —a place where land and people meet. It hosts community garden plots, seniors’ gardens, school gardens, seed Bank, orchard, and it’s a celebrated gathering place for community events. www.gabriolacommons.ca
Curiosities, Essentials &
Everything In-Between
Whether you’re shopping for camping supplies or one-of-a-kind, handcrafted jewellery, you’ll find everything practical, whimsical, and necessary in Gabriola’s boutiques, galleries, shops and studios. On top of that, we have a beautiful golf course, parks and trails, hotels and B+Bs, hardware stores, pharmacy, marinas, liquor stores, and a cannabis dispensary, to name a few. See more @ hellogabriola.ca/tourist-directory/shopping/
A Foodie Paradise
Gabriola has a vibrant community of passionate locavores and hard-working farmers, while our small but mighty dining scene serves every palate. We have restaurants and pubs, an agricultural coop to buy the freshest of the fresh, a grocery store, a health food store, and local food artisans making salts, rubs, condiments and more. See more @ https://gabriolaagriculturalcoop.ca
We Probably Have It
Gabriola has everything you’ll need, including a large grocery store, post office, library, public bus service, banking and insurance, a gas station, an electric charging station, and auto repair. In addition, we have ferries, float planes, marinas and good roads all year round. See more @ island-hopping/gabriola-island.
Imagine Growing Up On An Island!
Our beautiful island has a beloved daycare facility, a highly respected elementary school working collaboratively with Simon Fraser University and using innovative education models. For further information contact the Community Navigator, whose contact information is below. https://gb.schools.sd68.bc.ca/ https://hopecentre.yolasite.com/
Recreation · Come Play on Gabriola
Take a winding trail through dense forest, find yourself in a sea of wildflowers, breathe in the ocean air, discover the beauty of a sunset paddle, and dance under the stars. The island is a natural playground for the whole family. We have 170+km of trails, parks, fishing and kayaking, recreational sports clubs, a fitness centre, golf course and skate park. See more @ gabriolarecreation.org.
Arts · The Island of Creative Expression
With one of the highest number of artists per capita in Canada and many art-centred events, Gabriola has earned its moniker, Isle of the Arts.
Whether you’re the creator, admirer, or participant, enjoy the island’s rich cultural landscape year-round. Art, music & theatre festivals are only the beginning of what’s in store for you and your family. See more @ https://artsgabriola.ca
Community · It’s Always Happening on Gabriola
We have a magnificent community hall and many social groups: amateur theatre, dog walking, music jamming, walking, folk dancing, and many more. We also socialize in our pubs and churches. Our most famous community resource is the Gabriola Commons —a place where land and people meet. It hosts community garden plots, seniors’ gardens, school gardens, seed Bank, orchard, and it’s a celebrated gathering place for community events. Visit: www.gabriolacommons.ca
We have a community health centre offering interdisciplinary team based primary care, visiting specialists and air and ground ambulance services. Also, we have social services supporting a variety of programs for children and seniors including adult day programs, hospice and hot lunch programs at the school. Gabriola has over 40 volunteer not-for-profit groups and organizations working collaboratively to address the social determinants of health for all islanders. These groups are concerned with everything from preventative health to climate change. See more @ https://ghcf.ca/ and https://gabriolamed.ca/
Shopping · Curiosities, Essentials & Everything In-Between
Whether you’re shopping for camping supplies or one-of-a-kind, handcrafted jewellery, you’ll find everything practical, whimsical, and necessary in Gabriola’s boutiques, galleries, shops and studios. On top of that, we have a beautiful golf course, parks and trails, hotels and B+Bs, hardware stores, pharmacy, marinas, liquor stores, and a cannabis dispensary, to name a few. See more: hellogabriola.ca/tourist-directory/shopping
Food · A Foodie Paradise
Gabriola has a vibrant community of passionate locavores and hard-working farmers, while our small but mighty dining scene serves every palate. We have restaurants and pubs, an agricultural coop to buy the freshest of the fresh, a grocery store, a health food store, and local food artisans making salts, rubs, condiments and more. See more @ farms, restaurants and pubs, food and drink.
Services · We Probably Have It
Gabriola has everything you’ll need, including a large grocery store, post office, library, public bus service, banking and insurance, a gas station, an electric charging station, and auto repair. In addition, we have ferries, float planes, marinas and good roads all year round. See more @ island-hopping/gabriola-island.
Children · Imagine Growing Up On An Island!
Our beautiful island has a beloved daycare facility, a highly respected elementary school working collaboratively with Simon Fraser University and using innovative education models. For further information contact the Community Navigator, whose contact information is below. Visit:
https://gb.schools.sd68.bc.ca/ • https://hopecentre.yolasite.com/
Let’s talk about joining our team
Info on practice and clinic contact:
Angela Pounds at 250-247-9922 or apounds@rrdfp.ca
Info on Gabriola community:
Lu Lazzarotto at hello@beourdoctor.ca

Walk Around Our Clinic
We made a 360° virtual tour just for you! So we invite you to meander.